2012年10月29日 星期一

[C+] - Bypass MapleStory Multiple Restriction

Hook The Api -> CreateMutexA

Core code you can write that:

HANDLE (WINAPI* _CreateMutexA)(__in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpMutexAttributes, __in BOOL bInitialOwner, __in_z_opt LPCSTR lpName) = CreateMutexA;

HANDLE WINAPI CreateMutexAHook(__in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpMutexAttributes, __in BOOL bInitialOwner,__in_opt LPCSTR lpName)
    if (lpName != NULL)
    if (!strcmpi(lpName, "WvsClientMtx"))
    DWORD dwProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId();
    char CharProcessID[100];
    sprintf(CharProcessID,"_%d", dwProcessID);
return _CreateMutexA(lpMutexAttributes, bInitialOwner, strcat((LPSTR)lpName,CharProcessID));
 return _CreateMutexA(lpMutexAttributes, bInitialOwner, lpName);

But this way didn't pass The HackShield detect
You will get 0x206 error

1 則留言:

  1. #define HS_ERR_ALREADY_GAME_STARTED 0x00000206 // 게임이 이미 실행 중입니다. 게임을 중복해서 실행할 수 없습니다.
